Munich Center of the Learning Sciences

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Advising and supervision

Winter 2019/20

  • How do different scaffolds affect collaboration in inquiry science learning? Master’s Thesis, Learning Sciences, University of Munich
  • Rückkehr zu Lerninhalten: Effekte von verschiedenen Scaffolds auf den Lernerfolg in individuellem oder kollaborativem forschenden Lernen. Master’s Thesis, Educational Sciences, University of Munich (German)

Summer 2019

  • Complex Reasoning in Science: How do reasoning skills on domain-general and domain-specific tasks and complex problem-solving relate and predict science learning? Master’s Thesis, Learning Sciences, University of Munich
  • Complex Reasoning in Science: Do domain-general and domain-specific reasoning skills predict learning about climate change? Master’s Thesis, Learning Sciences, University of Munich
  • Begünstigt ein erarbeitendes Scaffold effektive Kollaboration beim forschenden Lernen? Zulassungsarbeit Lehramt, University of Munich (German)

Winter 2018/19

  • Constructive or Example-Based? Fostering Integrated Knowledge about Natural Phenomena with Energy Flow Diagrams. Bachelor’s Thesis, Educational Sciences, University of Munich (German, title translated)

Summer 2018

  • The Role of Shifting Ability for Learning with Instructionally Supported Dynamic Visualizations. Bachelor’s Thesis, Educational Sciences, University of Munich (German, title translated)
  • The Role of Working Memory Capacity and Fluid Intelligence for Learning with Scaffolded Dynamic Visualizations. Bachelor’s Thesis, Educational Sciences, University of Munich (German, title translated)
  • Science Learning in an Inquiry-Based Environment: Mind over Matter? How Individual Beliefs about Intelligence Affect Learning Through Inquiry. Master’s Thesis, Learning Sciences, University of Munich
  • Science Learning Through Inquiry: Comparing Instructional Supports for Learning from Dynamic Visualizations. Master’s Thesis, Learning Sciences, University of Munich
  • Observing a model is effective but does it compare to “interactive mode”? How we learn from complex visualizations. Master’s Thesis, Learning Sciences, University of Munich

Winter 2017/18

  • Does fluid intelligence moderate the worked example effect on quality of self-explanations when under time pressure or not? Bachelor’s Thesis, Educational Sciences, University of Munich (German, title translated)
  • Does cognitive load moderate the worked example effect on quality of self-explanations when under time pressure or not? Bachelor’s Thesis, Educational Sciences, University of Munich (German, title translated)