Online Guest Talk von Prof. Dr. Bernard Charlin (Université de Montréal)
Thema "Concordance: Develop reasoning by comparing it to that of experts" more
Talk and workshop by Prof. Dr. Stefan Ufer
designing a questionnaire more
Guest lecture and workshop by Dr. Dorin Stanciu
Machine Learning Applied in Learning Analytics (Talk); Learning Analytics (Workshop) more
28.01.2020 at 09:00
Talk and workshop by Melanie Stephan
qualitiave research methods more
12.12.2019 at 09:00
Workshop by PD Dr. Karsten Stegmann
Data structuring and - management more
26.07.2019 at 10:00
Workshop by Dr. Martin H. Daumiller and Prof. Dr. Markus Dresel
Quantitative research methods more
22.07.2019 at 10:00
Workshop by Dr. Martin H. Daumiller and Prof. Dr. Markus Dresel
Quantitative research methods more
28.05.2018 – 29.05.2018
REASON Event Series by Prof. David Cook
Guest Lecture "Validity arguments for learner assessments: Could the evidence convince a jury?" and Workshop "Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: A Practical Approach" more
19.03.2018 – 22.03.2018
Workshop by Prof. Robert Kail
Scientific writing more
Guest Lecture by Prof. Eileen Gambrill
Evidence based practice: choices made and those ahead more
Workshop by Prof. Gerhard Fischer
Envisioning and grounding new educational designs in data driven approaches more
Guest Lecture by Prof. Yasmin Kafai
Who Gets to Reason in Code? Understanding Experience and Equity in Computational Participation in the Online Scratch Community more
MCLS General Assembly
The event that unites all programs and research groups under the MCLS umbrella will take place on 6.04.2017 more
Guest Lecture by Prof. Richard Anderson
The social construction of causal reasoning more
Award for European outstanding research publication based on a doctoral thesis
REASON member Christian Ghanem in collaboration with Ingo Kollar, Frank Fischer, Thomas R. Lawson and Sabine Pankofer will receive an award by ESWRA more
DFG research unit Cosima is hiring
The DFG research unit Cosima is hiring doctoral students, research associate and a doctor. more
REASON is hiring
Our international graduate program REASON is hiring more
10.11.2016 at 10:00
Guest Talk by Prof. Gerhard Fischer
On behalf of the Munich Center in the Learning Sciences (MCLS) and the REASON program we are happy to announce the upcoming guest talk on the topic of interdisciplinary collaboration more
18.07.2016 at 00:00
New Research Unit
The new DFG Research Unit at LMU, led by Professors Frank Fischer, focuses on use of simulations in the teaching of diagnostic competences. Principal Investigators: Fischer, F. (Speaker); Fischer, M.; Girwitz, R.; Neuhaus, B.; Obersteiner, A.; Reiss, K.; Schmidmaier, R.; Siebeck, M.; Stürmer, K.; Ufer, S.; Wecker, C more
06.07.2016 – 08.07.2016
International Workshop: Interplay of Domain-Specific and Domain-General Aspects of Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation
Invitation to the International Workshop 'Interplay of Domain-Specific and Domain-General Aspects of Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation' at the Center of Advanced Studies more
11.05.2016 – 13.05.2016
REASON Event Series by Prof. Dr. Marcia Linn
Guest Lecture and Workshop on "What makes inquiry science instruction successful for college and precollege students?" more
10.05.2016 at 18:00
Guest Lecture by Prof. Dave Putwain
"The scare tactic: Does it work? Motivating students for tests and examinations" more
09.05.2016 at 16:00
Guest Lecture by Lori Markson
"Children's reasoning about social exclusion" more
09.05.2016 at 09:30
Workshop by Prof. Dave Putwain
An Introduction to Multi-level Modelling Using Mplus more
26.04.2016 at 18:00
Guest Lecture by Prof. Richard Bartle
"Game Skills and Simulation Skills: Fiction, Physics, Gameplay and Learning" more
19.04.2016 at 18:00
Guest Lecture by Prof. Carlos Delgado Kloos
"The Future of Education is not what it Used to Be" more
17.03.2016 at 12:00
Emotional Contagion in the Classroom: Analyses on Micro- and Macro-Levels
DFG funded Research Project on emotional contagion in the classroom more
17.03.2016 at 12:00
ERC Project: Unravelling the moral self
ERC Project: Unravelling the moral self more
12 Doctoral positions at the Munich Center of the Learning Sciences
The application information for the REASON program has been updated more
07.03.2016 at 18:15
Guest Lecture by Prof. Jonathan Osborne
Invitation to the Guestlecture of Prof. Osborne about "Science Education, Culture and Scientific Reasoning" more
02.03.2016 at 16:00
Guest Lecture by Prof. Samuel Greiff
The Concepts of Complex and Collaborative Problem Solving and Their Assessment more
19.02.2016 18:00 – 20:00
Guest Lecture by Fani Lauermann
A step towards understanding the ontogeny of career aspirations and choices: Math-related career aspirations and choices within Eccles et al. expectancy-value theory of achievement-related behaviours more
15.12.2015 at 18:00
Guest Lecture by Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Ed.D
Embodied brains, social minds, cultural meaning: Insights for education from neuroscientific research on social emotion and self more
22.10.2015 at 18:00
Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. James Pellegrino
Measuring What Matters: Connecting Learning Science, Assessment Design, and 21 Century Skills more
13.10.2015 at 12:15
REASON members received the Best-of-JURE poster Award 2015
PhD candidate Sandra Becker, Prof. Pekrun and Prof. Ufer received this Award at the EARLI Pre-conference for their poster about 'Differential Effects of Emotions on Mathematical Argumentation' more
12.10.2015 at 18:00
Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. David W. Shaffer
Measuring Complex Thinking more
27.07.2015 at 12:15
Guest lecture by Dr. Boris N. Konrad
“Superior memory skills rely on mnemonic strategies: Evidence from World´s best memory champions and mnemonic training studies" more
13.07.2015 16:00 – 17:30
Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Kenneth Kiewra
The SOAR Method for Learning and Instruction more
30.06.2015 at 12:00
Guest Lecture by Prof. Gavin Brown
Cross-cultural research in education: Illuminating meaning by taking context into account more
30.06.2015 12:00 – 13:30
Research Talk by Prof. Gavin Brown
Cross-cultural research in education: Illuminating meaning by taking context into account more
22.06.2015 at 18:00
Guest Lecture by Prof. Wolfgang Prinz
Selbst im Spiegel Subjektivität zwischen Natur und Kultur more
12.05.2015 14:00 – 16:00
Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Richard J. Shavelson
Interplay between cognitive and noncognitive variables with regard to modelling and measuring competencies in the field of business education more
22.04.2015 at 12:00
The international newletter of LMU 'insightLMU' published an article about our REASON Spring School
22.04.2015 at 12:00
The international newletter of LMU 'insightLMU' published an article about our REASON Spring School
20.03.2015 at 00:00
REASON Spring School a success!
05.03.2015 – 07.03.2015
REASON International Spring School
REASON International Spring School: The first REASON International Spring School announced for March, 5-7th 2015! more
05.03.2015 – 07.03.2015
Film about REASON
A film about our Elitenetwork Program REASON is online more
03.02.2015 at 00:00
REASON Retreat in Herrsching
The REASON group went on a 2-day retreat to discuss the epistemological foundations of scientific reasoning and argumentation more
27.01.2015 at 00:00
REASON Excursion to the Austrian Alps
23.01.2015 at 00:00
Symposium "Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation" and MCLS-General Assembly
The Munich Center of the Learning Sciences is pleased to present the Symposium "Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation" and the MCLS-General Assembly Friday, January 23, 2015. more
The application period for the Master and Doctoral Programs in the Learning Sciences has started!
The link to the online application tool is now available for prospective candidates more
17.12.2014 at 16:30
Guest lecture by Prof. Pierre Dillenbourg
'MOOCs: lessons learned' more
05.12.2014 at 12:00
Guest lecture by Prof. Heisawn Jeong
Who do we cite? What can co-citation analysis tell us about research practices in education? more
05.12.2014 at 12:00
Guest lecture by Prof. Kenneth Kiewra
The SOAR Method for Learning and Instruction more
06.11.2014 at 18:00
Guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Richard M. Ryan
Autonomy and Control in Human Behavior: Research on Motivation and Wellness from Self-determination Theory more
04.11.2014 at 12:15
Guest lecture by Prof. Detlev Leutner
Problemlösen als fachliche und fächerübergreifende Kompetenz more
Guest Lecture Prof. Gerhard Fischer
Guest lecture with the title "Richer Conceptual Frameworks and Innovative Media for Designing, Learning, Argumentation, and Reasoning" by Prof. Gehard Fischer, University of Colorado, Boulder more
Invitation to Guest Lectures by Professor Herb Marsh
Lecture 1: Student Evaluations of University Teaching: Recommendations for Policy and Practice (Monday, September 15, 2014, 4 pm, Leopoldstraße 13, room 1305) Lecture 2: Academic Self-concept: Cornerstone of a Revolution in the Positive Psychology of Education (Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 6 pm, Leopoldstraße 13, room 2401) more
Talk by Dr. Nathan Hall on "Improving Burnout and Attrition in Teachers: A Motivational Perspective"
The Munich Center of the Learning Sciences (MCLS) is pleased to announce a public lecture by Dr. Nathan Hall (McGill University, Montreal, QC) “Improving Burnout and Attrition in Teachers: A Motivational Perspective” Monday, June 16th, 4.15 p.m. – 5.45 p.m. Leopoldstr. 13, room 1305 more
26.04.2014 – 27.04.2014
Successful Academic Retreat
The first academic reatreat of the IDK REASON took place in Kloster Seeon April 26.-27. more
Introducing the Doctoral Degrees in the Learning Sciences!
Interview by Prof. Frenzel on the Master's Program by the German Center for Talent Encouragement