Munich Center of the Learning Sciences

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The MCLS congratulates its members Frank Fischer, Birgit Neuhaus, Stefan Ufer, and Michael Sailer for their participation in the collaborative project KoKon funded by the BMBF!

KoKon is collaborative project with the aim is to promote digital school development.



The MCLS congratulates its members Frank Fischer, Birgit Neuhaus, Stefan Ufer, and Michael Sailer for their participation in the collaborative project KoKon funded by the BMBF!

KoKon is a project focusing on digital school development, conducted by six universities in eleven sub-projects. Its aim is to promote digital school development in general and vocational schools, as well as to improve cooperation within school organizations, further develop digital teaching, and enhance the digital competencies of teachers. KoKon stands out by producing practical transfer products alongside academic research—these are evidence-based, practice-relevant training modules and consultancy concepts that can be utilized by teachers beyond the project duration.

The University of Munich participates with seven sub-projects in the KoKon consortium and collaborates with the LMU Munich's UnterrichtsMitschau (Dr. Aulinger) to develop the online tool DigCompEdu Observe (Prof. Dr. Fischer & Prof. Dr. Sailer). Additionally, the subject didactics of Mathematics (Prof. Dr. Ufer), Biology (Prof. Dr. Neuhaus & Dr. Aufleger), and English (Prof. Dr. Lütge) are developing subject-specific teaching simulations to help teachers systematically acquire teaching-related digital competencies based on DigCompEdu.

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