Student | Courses |
Alqassab, Maryam
Winter Term 2015/16
- "Introduction to Learning, Instruction, Training and Techology" (LMU, Munich Center of the Learning Sciences)
Becker, Sandra
Summer Term 2016
- "Vertiefung in Differentieller und Persönlichkeitspsychologie (Fokus: Glück)" (LMU, Chair of Personality and Educational Psychology)
Winter Term 2015/16
- "Vertiefung Diagnostik" (LMU, Faculty of Psychology and Education)
Winter Term 2014/15
- "Vorbereitungsseminar EWS Psychologie (Themengebiet 1: Pädagogische Psychologie des Lehrens und Lernens)" (LMU, Chair of Personality and Educational Psychology)
Summer Term 2014
- "Vertiefung in Differentielller und Persönlichkeitspsychologie" (Fokus: Kreativität) (LMU, Chair of Personality and Educational Psychology)
Beltermann, Esther
Summer Term 2015
- "Ward Round Training" (LMU, Faculty of Medicine)
Winter Term 2014/15
- "Ward Round Training" (LMU, Faculty of Medicine)
- "Tutorial 'History Taking and Patient Presentation'" (LMU, Faculty of Medicine)
Summer Term 2014
- "Ward Round Training" (LMU, Faculty of Medicine)
- "Tutors Training 'History Taking and Patient Presentation'" (LMU, Faculty of Medicine)
- "Scientific Project Work" (LMU, Faculty of Medicine)
Csanadi, András
Winter Term 2015/16
- "Introduction to Learning, Instruction, Training and Techology" (LMU, Munich Center of the Learning Sciences)
Winter Term 2014/15
- "Vertiefungsseminar Lehren und Lernen" (LMU, Chair of Education and Educational Psychology)
Diaz, Mauricio
Winter Term 2015/16
- "Introduction to Learning, Instruction, Training and Techology" (LMU, Munich Center of the Learning Sciences)
Summer Term 2014
- "Game Design for Learning and Training" (KSFH, Faculty of Social Work & LMU, Department of Media Informatics)
Engelmann, Katharina
Summer Term 2016
- "Empirische Forchungsmethoden I - 2" (LMU, Chair of Education and Educational Psychology),
Winter Term 2015/16
- "Empirische Forchungsmethoden I - 1" (LMU, Chair of Education and Educational Psychology)
Summer Term 2015
- "Empirische Forchungsmethoden I - 2" (LMU, Chair of Education and Educational Psychology)
Winter Term 2014/15
- "Empirische Forchungsmethoden I - 1" (LMU, Chair of Education and Educational Psychology)
- "Wissenschaftliches Denken und Argumentieren" (LMU, Chair of Education and Educational Psychology)
Ghanem, Christian
Winter Term 2016/17
- "Praxis 1: Soziale Arbeit mit Adressat_innen der Straffälligenhilfe" (KSFH, Department of Social Work, Munich)
- "Vertiefungsbereich Soziale Arbeit als Resozialisierung und Prävention" (KSFH, Department of Social Work, Benediktbeuern)
- "Soziale Arbeit in der Bewährungshilfe" (KSFH, Department of Social Work, Benediktbeuern)
Summer Term 2016
- "Resozialisierung und Prävention" (KSFH, Department of Social Work, Benediktbeuern)
- "Praxis 1: Soziale Arbeit mit Adressat_innen der Staffälligenhilfe" (KSFH, Department of Social Work, Munich)
Winter Term 2015/16
- "Was bringt wissenschaftliches Wissen für die Praxis - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen Evidenzbasierter Sozialer Arbeit" (KSFH, Department of Social Work, Munich)
- "Soziale Arbeit in der Bewährungshilfe" (KSFH, Department of Social Work, Benediktbeuern)
Winter Term 2014/15
- "Soziale Arbeit in der Bewährungshilfe" (KSFH, Department of Social Work, Benediktbeuern)
- "Motivational Interviewing" (KSFH, Faculty of Social Work, Munich)
Summer Term 2014
- "Soziale Arbeit in der Bewährungshilfe" (KSFH, Department of Social Work, Benediktbeuern)
Klemm, Janina
Winter Term 2015/16
- "Naturwissenschaftliche Arbeitsweisen für die Grundschule" (LMU, Institute for Biology Education)
Summer Term 2015
- "Konstruktivistisches Lernen an außerschulischen Lernorten (Grundschule)" (LMU, Institute for Biology Education)
Summer Term 2014
- "Theoretical and Methodological Foundations" (LMU, Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology)
- "Empirical Working" (LMU, Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology)
Loderer, Kristina
Winter Term 2015/16
- "Vertiefung Gutachten" für Schulpsychologen (LMU, Chair of Personality Psychology and Educational Psychology)
Summer Term 2016
- "Grundlagen der Gutachtenerstellung für SchulpsychologInnen" (LMU, Chair of Personality Psychology and Educational Psychology)
- "Vertiefung Pädagogische Psychologie I für SchulpsychologInnen - Motivationale, emotionale und kognitive Maßnahmen zur Förderung schulischer Leistung und schulischen Wohlbefindens" (LMU, Chair of Personality Psychology and Educational Psychology)
Navani, Jigna
Summer Term 2014
- "Learning in Biology" (LMU, Institute for Biology Education)
Opitz, Ansgar
Winter Term 2015/16
- "Vertiefung quantitative Forschungsmethoden" (LMU, Psychology in the Learning Sciences)
Summer Term 2015
- "Empirische Forschungsmethoden I - 1" (LMU, Chair of Education and Educational Psychology)
Winter Term 2014/15
- "Empirische Forschungsmethoden I - 1" (LMU, Chair of Education and Educational Psychology)
Ottinger, Sarah
Winter Term 2015/16
- "Didaktik in den Bereichen Funktionen, Daten und Zufall" (LMU, Department of Mathematics)
Summer Term 2016
- Tutorial for the lecture "Didaktik im Bereich Raum & Form" (LMU, Department of Mathematics)
- "Brückenkurs Mathematik für Studienanfänger Lehramt Gymnasium und Bachelorstudiengänge Mathematik" (LMU, Department of Mathematics)
Saffran, Andrea
Summer Term 2014
- "Theoretical and Methodological Foundations" (LMU, Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology)
- "Empirical Working" (LMU, Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology)
- "Seminar on Developmental Psychology" (LMU, Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology)
Sommerhoff, Daniel
Summer Term 2016
- "Learning in Mathematics" (LMU, Munich Center of the Learning Sciences)
Summer Term 2015
- Number Theory Seminar (LMU, Department of Mathematics)
- LMU-Mathe-Sommer: Probestudium Mathematik (LMU, Department of Mathematics)
Winter Term 2014/15
- "Mathematische Beweisen: so geht das!" (LMU, Department of Mathematics)
- Tutorial for the Lecture "Didaktik in den Bereichen Funktionen, Daten und Zufall" (LMU, Department of Mathematics)
Summer Term 2014
- "Advances in the Learning Sciences" (LMU, Munich Center of the Learning Sciences)
- "Tutorial for the Lecture 'Didaktik in den Bereichen Algebra, Zahlen und Operationen'" (LMU, Department of Mathematics)
Winter Term 2013/14
- "Tutorial for the Lecture 'Didaktik in den Bereichen Funktionen, Daten und Zufall" (LMU, Department of Mathematics)
Strobel, Christian
Winter Term 2015/16
- "Workshop: Fehldiagnosen bei Atemnot reduzieren" (LMU, Institute for Medical Education)
- Linking Medical Education Research and the Learning Sciences (LMU, Munich Center of the Learning Sciences)
Summer Term 2015
- "Patientenvorstellung: Lernen mit Videovignetten" (LMU, Institute for Medical Education)
- "Introduction to Learning, Teaching and Technology" (LMU, Munich Center of the Learning Sciences)
Summer Term 2014
- "Research Practice and Statistics in Medical Education" (LMU, Institute for Medical Education)
Tuncer, Özgün
Winter Term 2015/16
- Tutorial for "Introduction to Cognition, Emotion, Learning and Development" (LMU, Munich Center of the Learning Sciences)
Summer Term 2016
- "Academic Skills Workshop" (LMU, Munich Center of the Learning Sciences)
Summer Term 2014
"Theoretical and Methodological Foundations" (LMU, Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology)
"Empirical Working" (LMU, Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology)