Munich Center of the Learning Sciences

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Role of Social Context for Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation

To participate in societal debates about scientific problems and phenomena, individuals need scientific reasoning and argumentation skills. Scientific reasoning and argumentation is situated in a social context. This social context may be shaped in such a way that evidence evaluation or coordinating theory is effectively supported. For example, research on (computer-supported) collaborative learning looks at how scientific reasoning and argumentation can be supported by forming small groups of learners or by structuring classroom interaction. By engaging in reasoning and argumentation within a broader social context, students may acquire general reasoning and argumentation skills as well as domain-specific knowledge about the science subject at hand.

Exemplary topics, research questions and possible advisors:

Project/Topic Research Question Possible project advisors 
Analysis and facilitation of argumentative discourse in primary school What are the effects of social interaction during classroom talk on the acquisition of individual argumentation competences?
How do domain-specific and domain-general dimensions of scientific argumentations interact in this context?
Prof. Dr. Beate Sodian
Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer                                                                       
Collaborative reasoning and argumentation in medical problem solving What are practices of collaborative reasoning and argumentation with evidence in the context of medical problem solving? How is scientific reasoning of the individual shaped by practices of collaborative reasoning and argumentation in this context? Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer
Prof. Dr. Martin Fischer


Transferring scientific knowledge into professional fields What internal argumentation-related scripts can be found in scientific discourse between researchers and practitioners in the areas of social work and teaching?
How can argumentative discourse between researchers and practitioners in these fields be fostered with external scripts?
Prof. Dr. Ingo Kollar
Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer
Prof. Dr. Sabine Pankofer
Use of evidence during pre-school age How can domain-specific and domain-general aspects of scientific reasoning and argumentation be facilitated in pre-schoolers? Prof. Dr. Birgit Neuhaus
Prof. Dr. Beate Sodian
Prof. Dr. Birgit Dorner