Leopoldstraße 15
80802 München
80802 München
+49 (0)89 / 2180-17445
Further Information
Academic background
- 2015-2019: University of Applied Sciences Munich / Katholische Stiftungshochschule München. Certificate „Supervision und Coaching“ (DGSv)
- 1998-2003: University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg / Evangelische Fachhochschule Nürnberg. Social Work & Social Education (Youth-Work and Adult-Education)
Professional background
- 2018-2019: Münchner Trichter e. V. / Munich. Education & Communication Officer
- 2011-2018: Jesuit Mission Office Germany-Austria-Switzerland. Program Director “Global Learning and Volunteering”
- 2010-2011: Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP) / University of Munich. Academy Leadership & Competence / Associate Researcher
- 2010-2011: Jesuit Mission Office Nuremberg (The international development and relief agency of the German Jesuits) / Education Manager
- 2003-2010: Academy of the C.-Pirckheimer-Haus Nuremberg. Department Manager / Head of Youth & Teacher Education
- WiSe 2021-2022: "Handlungslehre in der Sozialen Arbeit" / Module: foundations & core-competencies for Social Work. Catholic University of Applied Sciences Munich (KSH) / Dep. Social Work
- WiSe 2021-2022: "meta reflection, cooperative action, supervision & coaching in Social Work" / Module: Professional action in Social Work. University of Applied Sciences Kempten / Dep. Social & Health Studies - Social Work
- SoSe 2021: "key competencies & personal development in Social Work" / Module: Emprical Research & Counselling in social work. MCI: Management Center Innsbruck / Austria - the entrepreurial university / Dep. Management & Society - Social Work
- SoSe: 2021: "social work in / with / under socio-political contexts" / Module: Social Work as a science and profession in the national and international context. Catholic University of Applied Sciences Munich (KSH) / Dep. Social Work
- SoSe 2021: "Handlungslehre in der Sozialen Arbeit" / Module: foundations & core-competencies for Social Work. Catholic University of Applied Sciences Munich (KSH) / Dep. Social Work
- WiSe 2020-2021: "meta reflection, cooperative action, supervision & coaching in Social Work" / Module: Professional action in Social Work. University of Applied Sciences Kempten / Dep. Social & Health Studies - Social Work
- WiSe 2020-2021: "Handlungslehre in der Sozialen Arbeit" / Module: foundations & core-competencies for Social Work. Catholic University of Applied Sciences Munich (KSH) / Dep. Social Work
- SoSe 2020: "Handlungslehre in der Sozialen Arbeit" / Module: foundations & core-competencies for Social Work. Catholic University of Applied Sciences Munich (KSH) / Dep. Social Work
- WiSe 2019-2020: Handlungslehre in der Sozialen Arbeit (Social Work B. A. 1. Semester)
- SoSe 2019: Intercultural Sensitivity & Diversity Management (Social Work B. A. 1.& 3. Semester)
- WiSe 2018-2019: Intercultural Sensitivity & Diversity Management (Social Work B. A. 1.& 3. Semester)
- WiSe 2018- SS 2019: Supervision & Coaching for students during their internship (Social Work B. A. / 3.-4. Semester)
- WiSe 2017- SS 2018: Supervision & Coaching for students during their internship (Social Work B. A. / 3.-4. Semester)
- Auner, C., Dorner, B. & Pankofer, S. (2021): "This really forced me to think!“ Knowledge Construction and Utilization in Social Work Education using Simulation-Based Learning Environments with Standardized Clients - a Qualitative Study. In Wichmann, A. Hoppe, H. U. & Rummel, N. (Eds.). (2021). General Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences 2021. Bochum, Germany: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
- Auner, C. (2021). Frauen in der Hochschulmedizin: Wie „Gläserne Decken“ individualisiert werden: Ginal, Marina: Geschlechterungleichheiten in der Universitätsmedizin. Zum Einfluss der Organisationskultur auf den Ausstieg von Habilitandinnen. Wiesbaden, Springer VS. 2019. Open Gender Journal, 5.
- Auner, C., Münch, M. (2015): Integration partizipativ und kreativ mitgestalten. Seminare der au-ßerschulischen politischen Bildung für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene. In: Harles, Lothar / Lange, Dirk (Hg.) (2015): Zeitalter der Partizipation. Paradigmenwechsel in Politik und politischer Bildung? Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach / Ts.
- Auner, C., Drozak, J. (2009): Acht.Acht. Rechtsextremismus im Unterricht zum Thema ma-chen. Begleitheft zur Nachbereitung des Theaterprojektes „Acht.Acht.“ Für Multiplikatoren und Interessierte. Eigenverlag BDKJ Diözesanverband Bamberg & Agentur Kunstdünger Nürnberg.
- Auner, C. (2007): Seminare für "bessere Globalisierer". S. 67-78. In: Grillmeyer, Siegfried (Hg:) (2007): „Wir sind die besseren Globalisierer“. Praxishandbuch der werkstatt-weltweit für globales Lernen und Freiwilligendienste. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach / Ts.
- Ackermann, Z., Auner, C. & Szczebak, E. (2006): Einwanderungsgesellschaft als Fakt und Chance.
Perspektiven und Bausteine für die politische Bildung. Praxishandbuch für Schule und Jugendarbeit. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach /Ts.
Latest conference presentations
- Auner, C., Dorner, B. & Pankofer, S. (June 2021): "This really forced me to think!“ Knowledge Construction and Utilization in Social Work Education using Simulation-Based Learning Environments with Standardized Clients - a Qualitative Study. Paper & Poster presented at the ISLS (International Society of the Learning Sciences) Annual Meeting 2021 (Bochum, Germany)
- Auner, C., Pankofer, S., Dorner, B. (June 2021): 191 “This really forced me to think!” Knowledge Construction and Utilization in Social Work Education in Simulation-Based Learning Environments with Standardized Clients. In Book of Abstracts of the ECSWE 2021 - European Conference on Social Work Education (Hosted by EASSW and Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society // Estonia): Innovation and Resilience: Preparedness of Social Work Education in Uncertain Times (Virtual Conference). ISBN 978-9949-29-569-2.
- Auner, C., & Opio, M. (June 2021). 175 Transferring Innovative Teaching Approaches to Social Work Education: Preparing Social Work Students for practice with Computer Supported Scripts (css) and Standardized Client Simulation in Germany. In Book of Abstracts of the ECSWE 2021 - European Conference on Social Work Education (Hosted by EASSW and Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society // Estonia): Innovation and Resilience: Preparedness of Social Work Education in Uncertain Times (Virtual Conference). ISBN 978-9949-29-569-2.
- Auner, C. (May 2020): Innovative teaching-approaches during the pandemic. Experiences from a student-centered and practice-oriented online-class in social work education. Paper presented at 10th European Conference for Social Work Research / ECSWR 2021 Bucharest (Virtual Conference) - Social work research: Contributing to innovation in practice, policy and social development, SIG: Social Work PhD & Early Career Researcher Challenges (and Solutions) During the Pandemic.
- Auner, C., Dorner, B. & Pankofer, S. (Feb. 2021): Research in Social Work Education using Simulation-Based Learning Environments with Standardized Clients – Impressions from a Qualitative Study. Paper presented at TISSA - The international 'Social Work & Society' Academy / KU Leuven & Ghent University - online lectures of the Specialist courses Doctoral School of Social and Behavioral Sciences: “Social work research as a practice of transparency”, (19/02 – 02/02 – 30/04 – 28/05 in 2021).