Organization Committee
The International Spring School “Measuring Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation” is organized by the Doctoral Students, Professors and Coordinators of REASON.
The executive team of the organization committee consists of:
Maryam Alqassab, M.A. PhD Scholar in REASON Leopoldstr. 44 D-80802 Munich Phone: +49-(0)89-2180-72560 Email: |
Andras Csanadi, M.A. PhD Scholar in REASON Leopoldstr. 44 D-80802 München Phone: +49-(0)89-2180-72562 Email: |
Dr. Kerstin Bleuel Coordinator of the REASON program Leopoldstr. 44 D-80802 München Telefon: +49-(0)89-2180-72542 Fax: +49-(0)89-2180-16540 E-Mail: |
PD Dr. Ingo Kollar Post Doc at the Chair for Education and Educational Psychology Leopoldstr. 13 D-80802 München Telefon: +49-(0)89-2180-6888 Fax: +49-(0)89-2180-99-6888 E-Mail: |
Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer Chair for Education and Educational Psychology Leopoldstr. 13 D-80802 Munich Phone: +49-(0)89-2180-5146 Fax: +49-(0)89-2180-16540 Email: |