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Further MCLS Members

Further MCLS Members
Title       Last NameFirst NameChairInstitutionExpertise Team
PhD Almeida Osborne Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry
Dr. Bauer Elisabeth Friedl Schöller Endowed Chair for Educational Psychology TUM 4, 6
Prof. Dr.  Becker-Stoll Fabienne Staatsinstitut für Frühpädagogik 3,7
Prof. Dr.  Beckmann Jürgen Chair of Sports Psychology TUM 2
Dr. Berndt (geb. Bolzer) Markus Institute for Medical Education at the University Hospital LMU 4, 6, 8
Prof. Dr. Binder Karin  Chair of Mathematics Education LMU 4
Prof. Dr. Brodbeck Felix Chair for Economic and Organisational Psychology LMU 8
Prof. Dr. Bühner Markus Chair for Education in Research Methodology and Psychological Diagnostics LMU
Dr. Chernikova Olga Chair of Education and Educational Psychology LMU 4, 6
Prof. Dr. Daniel Annabell Chair of Pedagogy with a Focus on Empirical Educational LMU 3, 7, 8
Prof. Dr. Dorner Birgit Chair for Arts Education KSH
Prof. Dr. Ehrenthal Johannes Klinische Psychologie und empirisch-quantitative Tiefenpsychologie Universitätsklinikum Köln 3, 7
Prof. Dr. Ertl Bernhard Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Lernen und Lehren mit Medien UniBW 3, 4, 6
PD Dr. Finke Kathrin Klinik für Neurologie Universitätsklinikum Jena 1
Dr. Förtsch Christian Institute for Biology Education LMU 4, 6
Dr. Frick Dagmar Institute for Biology Education LMU 4
Prof. Dr. Frey Dieter Chair for Social Psychology LMU
Dr. med. Fröschl Günther CIHLMU Center for International Health LMU 8
Prof. Dr. Gasteiger Hedwig Chair for Mathematics Education Universität Osnabrücl 2, 4
Prof. Dr. Gebhardt Markus Lehrstuhl für Sonderpädagogik - Förderschwerpunkt Lernen einschließlich inklusiver Pädagogik LMU 3, 4, 6
Prof. Dr. Geyer Thomas Chair of General & Experimental Psychology LMU 1
Prof. Dr. Girwidz Raimund Chair for Physics Education LMU 2, 4
Prof. Dr. Gniewosz Burkhard Chair of General Pedagogy and Educational Research LMU  
Prof. Dr. Heimlich Ulrich Chair for Education of Persons with Learning Disorders LMU  1
Dr. Heitzmann Nicole Chair of Education and Educational Psychology LMU 4, 5, 6
Prof. Dr. Schmidt-Hertha Bernhard Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Pädagogik und Bildungsforschung LMU 4, 6
Prof. Dr. Hofer Sarah Chair of Education and Educational Psychology LMU 2, 3, 4, 6
Prof. Dr. Kehr Hugo Chair of Psychology TUM 4, 5
Prof. Dr. Keune Anna Learning Sciences and Educational Design Technologies TUM 6
PD Dr. Kiesewetter Jan Institute for Medical Education at the University Hospital LMU 7
Dr Kim Sunae Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Oxford Brooks University 2
Prof. Dr. Kollar Ingo Chair of Psychology with a special emphasis on Educational Psychology Universität Augsburg 4
Prof. Dr. Kopp Birgitta Chair of Education and Educational Psychology LMU 6
Prof. Dr. v. Kotzebue Lena Chair for Biology Education Universität Salzburg 4
Dr. Kristen-Antonow Susanne Chair of Developmental & Educational Psychology LMU 2
Prof. Dr. Kuhn Jochen Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Physik LMU 6
Prof. Dr. Lewalter Doris Associate Professorship of Formal and Informal Learning TUM 4
Prof. Dr. Lichtenfeld Stephanie Allgemeine, Interkulturelle und International Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft sowie Pädagogische Psychologie Universität Hamburg 3
Prof. Dr. Lohrmann Katrin Lehrstuhl für Grundschulpädagogik und Grundschuldidaktik LMU 2, 3, 4
Prof. Dr. Markic Silvija Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Chemie LMU 2, 4, 6
Prof. Dr. Markowetz Reinhard Chair of Pedagogy and Didactics in Intellectual Disability and Behavioural Disorder LMU 2
Dr. Meinhardt Jörg Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology LMU 2
Prof. Dr. Müller Hermann Chair of General and Experimental Psychology LMU 1
Dr.  Müller Mitho Chair of Clinical Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence & Counseling Psychology LMU 3, 7
Prof. Dr. Nassehi Armin Chair I for Sociology LMU
Prof. Dr. Nistor  Nic Chair of Education and Educational Psychology LMU 4, 5
Prof. Dr. Niklas Frank Chair for Psychology Universität Augsburg 3, 4, 6
Dr. Opitz Ansgar Deutsches Jugendinstitut 4, 8
Junior-Prof. Dr. Osterhaus Christopher Entwicklungspsychologie im Handlungsfeld Schule Universität Vechta 2, 8
Prof. Dr. Paulus Markus Chair of Developmental Psychology LMU 2, 3, 7
Prof. Dr. Pankofer Sabine Professor for Psychology in Social Work Katholische Stiftungshochschule München 4
Prof. Dr. Rauschenbach Thomas   DJI
Prof. Dr. Reiss Kristina Heinz Nixdorf-Chair of Mathematics Education TUM 2, 3
Prof. Dr. Roche Jörg Institute for German as a Foreign Language LMU 2, 4, 6
Prof. Dr. Sailer Maximilian Chair of Educational Sciences Universität Passau 4
Prof. Dr. Sailer Michael Chair of Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining University of Augsburg 4, 6
Prof. Dr. Sauseng Paul Chair of Biological Psychology LMU 1
Prof. Dr.  Scherer Klaus NCCR Affective Sciences Université de Genève 3
Prof. Dr. Schmidmaier Ralf Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV, Klinikum der Universität München LMU 4
Prof. Dr. Schmidt Marco AG Schmidt – Entwicklungspsychologie - Normativity Lab Universität Konstanz 2
Prof. Dr. Schulte-Körne Gerd Chair for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine, and Psychotherapy LMU  2, 6
Prof. Dr.  Schwarzer Stefan Department of Chemistry Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen 6
Prof. Dr. Seidel Tina Friedl Schöller Endowed Chair for Educational Psychology TUM
Prof. Dr. Shi Zhuanghua Chair of General and Experimental Psychology LMU 1
Prof. Dr. Siebeck Matthias Chair of Surgery LMU 2
Prof. Dr. Sodian Beate Chair of Devolopmental Psychology LMU 2, 7
Prof. Dr. Sommerhoff Daniel Mathematics Education IPN, Kiel 2, 4, 8
Prof. Dr. Spies Marcus Chair of Education and Educational Psychology LMU
Prof. Dr. Stadler Matthias Institute for Medical Education at the University Hospital  LMU 6 ,8
Prof. Dr.  Stürmer-Schröpfer Kathleen Hector Institute for Empirical Educational Research, University Tübingen 6
Prof. Dr. Stegmann Karsten Chair of Education and Educational Psychology LMU 3, 4
Prof. Dr. Strickroth Sven Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen LMU 6
Prof. Dr. Strijbos Jan-Willem Educational Sciences, Learning & Instruction — Department Educational Science University of Groningen 4, 6
Prof. Dr. Tippelt Rudolf Chair of General Pedagogy and Educational Research LMU 1
PD. Dr. Töllner Thomas Chair of General and Experimental Psychology LMU 1
Prof. Dr. Träuble Birgit Developmental Psychology Universität zu Köln 2, 3
Prof. Dr. Trischler Helmut Head of research at the Deutsches Museum Deutsches Museum 2, 4
Dr. Uka Fitim Assistant in BA and MA program of PsychoIogy Public University “Hasan Prishtina 3
Prof. Dr.  Walper Sabine DJI/LMU
Prof. Dr. Weber Susanne Chair of Human Resource Education & Management LMU 4
Prof. Dr. Wecker Christof Chair for Empirical Teaching Research Universität Hildesheim 4, 6
Dr. Dr. Weidenbusch Marc J. Institute for Medical Education at the University Hospital LMU 4, 7
Prof. Dr. Wößmann Ludger Chair of Economics & Economics of Education LMU 8
Prof. Dr. Zehetleitner Michael Chair of General Psychology II Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 1
Prof. Dr.  Zentel Peter Lehrstuhl für Pädagogik bei geistiger Behinderung einschließlich inklusiver Pädagogik LMU 3, 4
Dr. phil. Zottmann Jan Institute for Medical Education at the University Hospital LMU 4, 6