Program Curriculum
The most important aspect of your doctoral period is conducting your doctoral research (including thesis writing). The doctoral research typically includes one or more empirical studies with planning, conduction, and data analyses phases. The thesis should be completed at the end of the sixth semester.
To enrich your doctoral period and to fulfill the graduation requirements, the DTP offers additional courses.
The courses within the program curriculum can be offered either by the DTP or by institutions affiliated to the MCLS or LMU.
A list with the institutions affiliated to the MCLS/LMU is sent every semester along with the schedule.
Students are expected to seek out individually the courses they would like to attend and which they benefit from the most.
The program offers include:
- Content related courses (introductory and advanced approaches to the learning sciences, field specific particularities – biology, languages, mathematics)
- Research methodology courses (advanced statistical procedures, alternative software courses, assessment and test procedures)
- Key qualification courses (self-management, academic writing and presenting, ethics in research)
- Research colloquia (study-accompanying courses for individual feedback)
- Retreats (opportunity to reflect on the doctoral studies)
Additional components:
- attendance at talks of guest scientists
- attendance at conferences
- reporting and coaching (i.e., the supervisory component)
- research stays abroad
- involvement in the realization of the doctoral program
To receive the DTP Certificate, students have to take at least the following courses:
- Two content related courses
- Two research methodology/statistics courses
- Two key qualification courses
- Two colloquia
To fulfill the PhD study regulations, students additionally need to attend
- Two retreats