Munich Center of the Learning Sciences

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Exemplary Projects

EP1: DFG Research Unit: Active Perception

The Research Unit "Active Perception" intends to study this perception-cognition-action loop by combining psychological, neuroscientific and mathematical perspectives.

Principle Investigator: Müller, H.

EP2: REASON – Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation

The international doctoral school “Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation” (REASON) focuses on an essential topic for knowledge communities. In addition to its distinctive research topic, essential components of the REASON doctoral school are represented by its international profile and the participation of multiple disciplines. 

Principle Investigator: Fischer, F.

EP3: Emotional Contagion in the Classroom: Analyses on Micro- and Macro-Levels

This project focusses on the emotional contagion between teachers and learners in the classroom.

Principle Investigator: Frenzel, A., Reck, C. and Pekrun, R.

EP4: DFG Research Unit: Facilitation of Diagnostic Competences in Simulation-Based Learning Environments in Higher Education

Doctors and teaching staff need to be able to make accurate diagnoses. The academic understanding of how diagnostic competences can be measured has constantly improved over the past few years. But how can these skills be sharpened in higher education?

Principle Investigator: Fischer, F.

EP4: ForschenLernen: Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation

The BMBF-funded joint research project ForschenLernen investigates the effects of inquiry-based learning and aims to examine activities that have been implemented within the “quality for teaching” funding program.

Principle Investigator: Fischer, M., Fischer, F., Mieg, H. and Deicke, W

EP6: DigiLLab

In our DigiLLab all pre-service teacher students of LMU are trained in how to use digital media in their future teaching. In addition media competences related to teaching and learning are investigated.

Principle Investigator: Frank Fischer, Christiane Lütge

EP6: Digitalization of classroom teaching in school (DigitUS)

Digitalization of classroom teaching in school (DigitUS) aims to increase the quality of teaching with digital media. We assume that the quality of teaching with digital media is subject to different conditions, such as variation in uses by teachers or the type of technical equipment in the school.

Project spokesperson: Fischer, F.