Munich Center of the Learning Sciences

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Empirical Pedagogy and Educational Psychology (Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer)

SkiLL-Laboratory (Simulation of complex interactive learning environments for competence-oriented learning)

The unit deals with knowledge and competence acquisition in complex learning environments. Here, cognitive psychology-based instructional models are tested and further developed on different social levels (e.g. individual, small group, class plenary). For this purpose, differentiated analyses of learning and interaction processes are central, in addition to the measurement of learning success. Important research contexts of the unit with interdisciplinary research collaborations are currently digitally supported learning environments (simulations) in teacher education and medical studies. Methodologically, the possibilities of video and simulation technology, among others, are used to create complex learning environments. Furthermore, it is in line with the international standard to capture teaching, learning and interaction processes in complex learning environments in a behavioral manner. To investigate the interactions between the different social levels (plenary, small groups, individual) it is necessary to collect temporally synchronizable data for each of these levels.