Munich Center of the Learning Sciences

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SIG 5 - Emotions


The emotion SIG is interested in the role of emotions in scientific reasoning and argumentation. In particular, how emotions shape and in turn, are influenced by, scientific reasoning and argumentation competencies is largely unknown as systematic research that closely examines those links is scarce. Generally, however, it been shown that cognitive and affective processes are tightly entangled, and seem particularly complex for higher level reasoning processes and thus cannot be studied as separate entities.

Therefore, it is the challenge of the Emotion SIG to combine all REASON projects by the means of measuring emotions across various domains as considerable functional differences of emotions are expected between specific scientific disciplines and scientific competencies.

Main Aims

- assist with and implement the assessment of emotions in the individual ongoing Ph.D. projects of the REASON program (under special consideration of distinguishing the object focus of emotions: achievement emotions, epistemic emotions, social emotions, and topic emotions)

- Identify which emotions guide and occur in different epistemic activities and compare emotions across different content domains

- Analyze the interaction of emotions with other variables


Elisabeth Meier

Reinhard Pekrun

Stefanie Schmidtner

Sandra Becker (coordinator)