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April Moeller Bachhuber - Scientific Reasoning in Preschool: The Development, Correlates, and Promotion of Control of Variables Strategy Abilities

Dissertation: Scientific Reasoning in Preschool: The Development, Correlates, and Promotion of Control of Variables Strategy Abilities
Graduation year: 2020

Supervisors: Prof. Beate Sodian (LMU), Prof. Heinrich Hußmann (LMU), Prof. Markus Paulus (LMU), Prof. Dave Sobel (Brown University)

Conference Presentations

  • Moeller, A. (2018, September). Producing Interpretable Evidence: The Development of Control of Variables Strategy Abilities in Preschoolers. Symposium presentation at the 51st Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Moeller, A. (2018, August). Preschoolers’ Abilities in Context-Free Control of Variables Strategy. Poster presented at the EARLI SIG 5 Conference 2018 – Learning and Development in Early Childhood, Berlin, Germany. This poster received the SIG 5 Poster Award.
  • Moeller, A. (2018, March). Preschoolers’ Abilities in a Context-Free Control of Variables Strategy Task: Selection and Justifications. Poster presented at the 2nd REASON Interdisciplinary Spring School, Munich, Germany.
  • Moeller, A. (2017, October). Development of Control of Variables Strategy abilities in preschool children. Poster presented at the biennial conference of the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  • Moeller, A. (2017, April). Promotion of scientific thinking in preschoolers (through digital media). Poster presented at the Munich Center of the Learning Sciences (MCLS) General Assembly and Symposium “Interdisciplinary research on learning and instruction”, München, Germany.


  • Steinberger, F., Moeller, A., & Schroeter, R. (2016). The antecedents, experience, and coping strategies of driver boredom in young adult males. Journal of Safety Research.