Munich Center of the Learning Sciences

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The first graduate of DTP Learning Sciences has successfully completed her studies!

“I want to thank the DTP for the social network of doctoral students and for the possibilities to participate at conferences and to spend a research visit at the University of California Berkeley.”


Ms. Daniela Mayer held a disputation of her thesis „Modeling of scientific reasoning in elementary school age. Relations with cognitive abilities and motivational orientations“ on January 24, 2012. Her presentation has been strongly prized by the examination committee and thus she became the first graduate of the Doctoral Training Program Learning Sciences.

Ms. Mayer has been selected to the program in winter semester 2009/2010. She has worked closely with her first thesis supervisor Prof. Dr. Beate Sodian (Developmental Psychology, LMU). The second supervisor was Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer from the Chair of Educational Psychology at LMU. Prof. Dr. Mark Wilson from the Graduate School of Education, University of California Berkeley was the international supervisor of her thesis.

Ms. Mayer is still serving at the chair of Prof. Sodian for the research project Science-P (Development of science competencies in primary school). She has started a new job at the State Institute of Early Childhood Research (IFP) in Munich in October 2011.